Friday, May 22, 2009

Dear friend sarah


so these are the 4 images i' using for the exhibition I'm having next Wednesday in Cardiff. I'm quite excited! I've never been in a proper exhibition before!
"In this project I am looking at the domestic space and how it helps to define who we are.
I’m looking at the unit of the family home and the spaces we inhabit and the objects we use and associate with the home.
I will concentrate on my own family with the reason that we all used to live in one house, as one family unit with one set of domestic spaces and one set of homely objects within them. But with the break up of my family and the growing up and moving on of its members, the homes have multiplied and therefore so have the spaces and the objects.
I want to look at the relationship we have to those domestic spaces that everyone can recognise from their own homes. I also want to see what memories we hold and recall about growing up and family life from these inanimate objects that become so personal to the family and us.
Within each of our own five different homes I have chosen five spaces that I feel sum up or signify domestic family life. Each area holds different meanings of what makes up the family for me, but everyone may have different experiences and reactions to that space.
Then in these five spaces I have chosen five objects that I feel further suggest the idea of domesticity. These are inanimate objects that have no specific link to my own family, but are objects that we can all relate to and hold various connotations to the home. On these objects I will ask my family members to write memories and stories on them. These memories are hopefully brought up by the objects but are not specific to the object, and can be related to the area where the object is placed.
In the series of photographs you will be able to determine who is who by the writing, the memories and the look of their domestic spaces. Maybe you will be able to determine people’s relationships with each other and the similarities in the memories shared."

love you xxxx

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